brought forward:- 83,648 19 9 Away Matches ____________ League 1st Team 6,823 5 2 Cup Ties 1st Team 5,442 12 2 League other Teams 152 4 0 Compensation Received 713 17 11 12,131 19 3 Season Tickets 5,415 14 0 ______________ ___________________ £102,196 13 0 ___________________ 11. Gate Division to Visitors __________________________ League Games 1st Team 9,154 2 6 Cup Ties 1st Team 2,879 0 1 League Games other Teams 405 4 11 Compensation Paid 1,387 0 8 F.A. Cup Pool 2,803 18 6 Less Rec'd 1.056 2 10 1,747 15 8 £15,573 3 10 ___________ __________________ __________________ 12. Sublets, Programmes etc. ________________________ Sublets ________ Thompson 12 0 0 Dunlope Sports 185 0 0 City Caterers 250 0 0 B.B.C. 5 5 0 D. Allen 95 16 8 Higson 68 0 0 Catering Bellefield 10 0 0 626 1 8 _________________ Profit from sale of Programmes 1,008 6 9 ________________ £1,634 8 5 ________________