EVERTON F. C. COMPANY LIMITED NOTES ON ACCOUNTS to 6th MAY, 1950 INCREASES IN EXPENDITURE Players Benefits 3,132 10 0 Gate Div. to Visitors 558 13 0 F. A. Cup Gate Expenses 58 9 9 Travelling Expenses 778 16 6 Ground Expenses 149 18 9 National Insurance 49 3 11 Rent 28 3 0 Bellefield Rates & Water 532 1 4 Increase in N. V. A. Sch. 'A' 170 11 0 -do- Light & Heat 45 13 10 Telephone 85 4 1 Insurance 162 1 7 Includes £124.7.2 Ins. on Tour Office Expenses 965 15 1 Mr. Butler full year W. Dickinson £50 increase Players Requisites 62 12 9 League & Subs. etc., 1,433 9 5 Now 4% previously 1% Legal & Accountancy 4 1 4 Pensions 13 15 0 10,001 4 1 _______________ DECREASES IN EXPENDITURE Players Wages & Bonuses 2,036 6 0 Players Transfers 22,450 0 0 Medical Fees 154 12 5 Advert. Billposting etc., 165 3 0 Entertainment Tax 427 3 2 Reductions in tax Bank Interest & Comm. 9 9 6 25,242 14 1 ______________ ________________ 15,241 10 ? Net Decrease in Expenditure 15,241 10 ? INCREASE IN INCOME Proceeds of Matches Played Away 3,580 4 11 F. A. Cup Season Tickets 209 8 6 Programme Account 568 19 4 4,358 12 9 _______________ DECREASES IN INCOME Gate Receipts 5,773 11 7 Share Transfer Fees 2 17 6 5,776 9 1 1,417 16 ? ______________ _______________ ______________ Profit 1950 £11,472 3 1 £13,823 13 ? Loss 1949 2,351 10 7 ________________ _______________ £13,823 13 8 _______________