
			[Minutes of Meeting held Wed'y, October 11, 1950,
			at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool]

		Present:-Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors
			excepting Messrs Lake & H. R. Williams, indisposed
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of October 3rd were read and

Finance			Receipt reported was:-
		Chelsea F. C.	Share Gate		£331.1.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Commrs. Inland Revenue	Income Tax a/c	£262.19.0
		Theo. Kelly		Wages		£516.15.8
		   do		     Petty Cash		£130.0.0
		Chelmsford City F. C. Appearance fees re Hold} £150.0.0
			Bank Balance £69.1.9 Dr.

Foulties (Chester)	Messrs Williams & Sharp & Britton reported
		upon this player, & the	consensus of opinion was
		that he was not	worth £10,000.
172							172
Rotherham Players 	Mr. N. W. Coffey thought that Selkerk (R. B.)
						125				289
 		was the best on the field; Granger (O. R.) had a quiet day & Guest (I. F.) did little.

Reports			1st & 2nd team matches v Fulham, Army & Derby Res.,
		were given by Directors present.

Manager			Mr. Britton reported Catterick unfit, & Sagar &
		Wainwright doubtful for Sat'y.
			He, with the Chairman, had been to Burnley
		& interviewed Potts, & ultimately Succeeded in getting
		his promise to come through on Friday to view some houses,
		after he had seen what Blackpool had to offer.
		The Burnley Club had asked £20,000 for Transfer Fee.
			Burnett had asked to be put on the Transfer
		List. It was left to Mr. Britton to make a decision.
			J. A. Cross was to signed a professional