299 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel L'pool, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1950] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Messrs Lake & H. R. Williams, indisposed Manager & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 26, were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Theo. Kelly Wages £488.13.2 do Petty Cash £230. 0.0 J. W. Dickinson Salary £ 41. 6.8 Theo. Kelly do £ 89. 7.0 E. F. C. P. A. Y. E. a/c £ 40. 3.0 Directors Xcs. Xcs. £193.11.10 W. Laine Xcs. £ 15. 1.0 Bank Balance £541.0.5 Cr. Reports Messrs W. R. Williams, J. C. Sharp & N. W. Coffey reported upon the 1st team. Dr. Baxter & Mr. Gibbins reported their views of the Reserve team. Mr. Green did not thank Springthorpe (Wolves) R. B. was worth £10,000, & preferred Parr the L'pool L. B. He liked Crossland (C. H.) & Fenton (L. H.) of Blackpool & Alldis (C. H.) of Aston Villa also Baxter of Wolverhampton. Manager Mr. Britton stated that whilst Wainwrights knee had swelled, he should be alright by Saty. Hold had gone to Cromer for two weeks. Humphreys was suffering from influenza. Lindley should be fit by Saturday. He considered Foulkes (Chester) to be