
	Lancashire F. A. Benevolent Fund			75  - 	0  -	0
	Liverpool County F. A. Benevolent Fund			75  -	0  -	0
	St. John Ambulance Brigade				70  -	0  -	0
	R.N. Lifeboat Institution				50  -	0  -	0
	Liverpool & District Police Orphanage			40  -	0  -	0
	Merseyside Fund for the Blind				40  -	0  -	0
	Limbless Ex—Servicemen's Association			25  -	0  -	0
	Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists		25  -	0  -	0
	Home for Invalid Women					20  -	0  -	0
	Liverpool Deaf & Dumb Institute				20  -	0  -	0
	F. L. Secretaries’ & Managers’ Ass. Benevolent Fund	20  -	0  -	0
	Maghull Home for Epileptics				20  -	0  -	0
	St. Edwards Orphanage					19  -  12  -	6
	Coal Trade Benevolent Assn.				15  -	0  -	0
	Y. M. C. A.						15  -	0  -	0
	League of Welldoers					15  -	0  -	0
	Lpool & District Referees Society Benevolent Fund	10  -	0  -	0
	Lpool Queen Victoria District Nursing Assn.		10  -	0  -	0
							      £564 -   12  -    6