
				[Meeting held Xchange Hotel,
				Liverpool, Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1950]

		Present:- Messrs W. R. Williams (Chair), & all Directors
			excepting F. W. Lake & H. R. Williams (indisposed).
			Manager & Secy. in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 4, 1950, were
		read & confirmed, as were those of Sub-Committee
		of Sept. 8th., subject to the temporary with
		holding of payment to the Corporation of
		Liverpool for Rates of £3409.13.6, until the
		City Treasurer had examined the Accounts
		as submitted.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Sunderland F. C.	Fee re Hedley		£10,375.0.0
		Arsenal F. C.		Share Gate		£339.12.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Xcise		Tax			£1.7.11
		Theo Kelly		Wages			£508.0.8
		    do			Petty Cash		£120.0.0
			Bank Balance	£2655.17.9 Dr.

Sub-Committees		This was detailed by Councillor
Report 284	Searle & approved in general, with amend-
		ments as on copy annexed.

Heppell			Mr. Green stated that this L. B. of
		M'bro was reputed to be 24, but looked
		older. He seemed to be a bit lost in judgment
		& had not been good. It was a case where
		Mr. Britton should see the player.

Twenty man		He, Mr. Green, thought this C. H. was not
		nippy not good enough & did not recommend him.

Manager			Mr. Britton reported he 1st on team games v
		Arsenal & Stoke. Then Mr. Gibbins, Dr. Baxter &