SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK, September 8th, 1950. Present:- Councillor R. E. Searle (Chair), Messrs E. Green; W. C. Gibbins; F. W. Lake and Secretary. A. W. FIELDING. It was decided that Mr. Britton speak to this player to ascertain his views about leaving Crofton Rd., Ormskirk, as the house was to be sold very shortly. STAFF WAGES. Decided to recommend the following increases:- Miss F. Buchanan. £1 per week. K. F. BUSBY. 10/- per week. H. R. PICKERING. £1 per week, with a further review in 6 months. {retrospective from 1st July, & 1st Jan'y review.} PRACTICE MATCH RECEIPTS. These were gone into, and it was decided to make the following recommendations:- Lancashire F. A. Benevolent; Liverpool F. A. Benevolent Fund and St. Ambulance Brigade, £75 each. R. N. Lifeboat Institution £50 Liverpool and District, and the Merseyside Funds for the a Blind, £45 each. Limbless Ex-Servicemens' Association £25. Home for Incurables; Deaf and Dumb Institute; Coal Trade Benevolent Association; Secretaries and Managers' Association and Maghull Home for Epileptics, £20 each. Y. M. C. A.; League of Welldoers and Liverpool Referees' Benevolent Fund, £15 each. L'pool Queen Victoria Nursing Association. £10 St. Edward's Orphanage. £19.12.6, making a total of £564.12.6. {This item deferred until after reconsideration by Sub-Committee on 14/9/50.}