
				[Meeting held Xchange Hotel,
				L'pool, Monday, Sept. 4, 1950]

		Present:- Messrs W. R. Williams (Chair), & all other
			Directors excepting Mr. H. R. Williams.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of August 29, 1950, were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v M'bro				£3240.18.3
		 do  v W. B. A.				£3529.7.4
		Newcastle Utd. F. C.	Share Gate	£485.5.2
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	Tax		£549.5.6
		Football League		4%		£124.0.8
		W. B. A.		Share Gate	£461.18.9
		L'pool City Police	Services	£107.0.0
		C. S. Britton		Salary		£124.14.4
		P. A. Y. E.		  do		£41.19.0
		Theo Kelly		Wages		£519.9.10
		   do			Petty Cash	£95.0.0
			Bank Balance	£12,213.10.10 Dr.

Bainbridge (T. R.)	Mr. Green thought that this player who
   275		might be word £6,000, was in his right class,
		but Major Sharp said that he was a good
		player, & he still liked him.

T. E. Jones		Mr. Green stated that this player had
		made a very good debut in Reserves at Centre-half.

Manager			Mr. Britton reported that Lello did not
		seen to be too bad & was being examined by Mr.
		Heron next day.
			Burnett was now alright.
			Hamilton was training again.