289 103 McCulloch (R. H.) This Stockport player was very good. Guest (Rotherham) This I. F. of Rotherham had a very 190 (& Shaw) good game, but Shan was not strong enough. Galeshead Res. v Mr. E. Green gave a general account of Sunderland Res. this match in which McLean (R. H.) had not played mentioned that Newcastle Utd. were seriously considering their policy of preferring the Central League to the North Eastern League. Manager Mr. Britton reported upon the M'bro & Newcastle games, wherein O'Neill had done well. Catterick & Wainwright were unfit. Lello was now in full training. Leyland would be unfit for at Last 14 days. McIntosh had pleased the Lincoln watchers & a figure of £2,500 to £3,000 had been mentioned. Golata Saray, It was decided not to offer this team a Turkey match in September during their England Tour, owing to our heavy commitments. Directors Away To Manchester v Huddersfield:- Mr. E. Green. Stockton v M'bro Res. Messrs Williams, Sharp & Britton reported well of Heppell (L. B.) M'bro who was 5'8", & Aitken (C. H.). Transfer of Shares Following were approved & passed:- {3} Shares Nod. 2385 & 2016-17 from C. Vaughan to B. Searle {9} do 2393; 170-174 & 2018-2020 from R. A. C. Taylor to do. {45} do 2452, 2191, 2371, 2260, 2220, 2379, 1032, 976, 1179, 748, 557 {57} 1310, 2087, 1750 to 1752, 1382 & 1383, 1386, 1388, 839, 134, 74 1277 & 1278, 133, 441, 736, 806, 1557, 1856, 1961, 651-654 656 to 660 & 76 to 79 from R. Gaul to B. Searle. Officials Away Decided that the Sec'y does not travel to away matches. Next Meeting Monday, Sept. 4th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct W. R. Williams Chairman.