282 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday, August 8, 1950] Present :- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Gibbins; Dr. Baxter, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake, Mayor J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey. Manager & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of meeting of August 1st were read & confirmed, & also minutes of Finance Committee Meeting of August 3rd. Finance Receipt reported was:- Brighton & hove Albion F. C.. Final payment re Pinchbeck £500.0.0 Cheque was signed for:- Theo Kelly Wages & Xes. £506.15.8 Bank Balance £17,385.6.10 Dr. 279 Sub-Committee C. C. Mr. R. E. Searle reported the recommendations of the Sub-Committee. (Copy annexed) These were appointed. 18, Harris Drive He had seen this property,on offer at £1,400, but did not recommend the purchase at any price. Stock Book &c He further suggested the provision of this at the Office & other ideas to be considered by the Committee. 274 A. E. Stevenson Agreed to give this ex-player Notice to Quit the promises 78, Mostyn Avenue. 280 Manager's Report Mr. Britton reported that Burnett had slight swelling of the knee & was not 100% fit 280 Lello's knee was now nearly normal. 280 Hamilton had had his operation. 280 Moore had re-signed. 280 Hedley had been transferred to Sunderland for £10,375, fee representing £10,000 & half his Benefit Money. 280 Corr would be going to Bangor City, where he was to live rent free & had a 2 years contract.