
		be arranged, & the basis of movies would be in
		our favour. Ultimately, we would get more

F. A. Banquet		Messrs Green & Lake agreed to
		attend this following the Charity Shield match
		on September 20,1950.

Sheffield Wedy		Messrs Gibbins & Searle agreed to
Banquet		(their agreement to) represent us at this
		Celebration on August 11.

Port Vila F. C.		Messrs Chairman & Britton
		accepted the invitation of this Club for
		their Luncheon on August 24, 1950.

Transfer of Shares	These were approved:-
		3 Shares Nod. 2347, 878 & 879 from Admin C. H. McCarthy to J. C. McCarthy.
		4 do	1057,1058,1060 & 1500 - C. Carrick to R. Carrick
		3 do	1521 to 1523		-H. M. L. Pryde to B. Searle
		9 do	352 to 356 & 1862 to 1865 - F. E. Piggott to	do
		3 do	369 - 371		-E. Edwards to		do
		3 do	2135 - 2137		-J.N.O. Cavan to		do
		3 do	1182 - 1184		-Alex Jones to		do
		3 do	816, 2035 & 2036	-F. Welding to		do
		3 do	2283,1427 & 1428	-Luke Hogan to		do
		3 do	1596 - 1598		-A. E. Bennett	to	do
		2 do	1065 & 1066		- C. Thomes to		do
		3 do	1951 to 1953		- Jos. Leather Jr. to	do
		4 do	112 to 115		- F. Micklesfield	do

Italian Youth		It was agreed that we enter into no.
		commitment to play abroad with our Youths team
		in Italy this season.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, August 8, at 4 p.m.
					Confirmed as correct
					W. R. Williams