278 [2nd Meeting held Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Monday, June 26, 1950] Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Director excepting Mr. Lake. A cheque of £80.6.8 was signed for the Dividend Account. 186 Chairman Mr. W. R. Williams was unanimously elected & in thanking his colleagues for the honour, he paid also a great eulogy to the work of Dr. C. S. Baxter over the last 3 years, to which the Doctor replied. 250 Sub Committee Agreed that this be as last year, Viz. Messrs Williams, Green, Searle & Lake. 186 Quorum This to remain at Four. Transfer of Following Transfer were approved:- Shares Shares Nod. 245, 661 & 662 from Xor. E.Hayes to F. H. Hayes. do 1291 to 1293 H. Peverall be G. E. Brookes. do 940 to 942 from G. T. Williams to M. G. Williams do 383 to 385 from Xors. J. L. Domville to J. S. Domville Next Meeting Tuesday, August 1st, at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct Chairman W. R. Williams