		& Powell had reused teams offered to them.
			Burneth was making good progress.
			The following players were on offer:-
		268.	Bainbridge (T. R.)	£6007,000
		267.	McGarry (P. V.)		£20,000
		 -	Mills (Q. P. R.)	£16,000
		 -	Briggs (Gillingham) who was not good
		enough for us.
			Mr. W. R. Williams said the Special
		Treatment Room had been started & also that
		Bellefield Baths were ready & a motor mower
		had been purchased.

Festival of		Noted that the F. A. were holding
Britain	262	a Meeting in Sheffield on July 6th to
		discuss this.

Season Tickets		Agreed to issue Bullens Rd.
		Nth. End at £3.10.0.
Pinchbeck		Agreed to allow Brighton & Hove
		to August 7th to settle.

Next Meeting		To follow the A. G. M.

				Confirmed as correct.

				W. R. Williams