The Everton Football Club Co. Ltd. Report of the Directors to the Seventy-first Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Monday, the 26th June, 1950. The Directors in submitting the Accounts of the Company for the period ending 6th May, 1950, beg to report thereon, as follows:- The Balance to credit of Profit and Loss Appropriation Account brought for- ward from last year amounting to £21853 9 9 Add Income from Properties .... .... 835 10 7 Excess of Income over Expenditure 11472 3 1 ___________ 12307 13 8 ____________ 34161 3 5 The Directors have made provision in the Accounts for:- Depreciation on Stands, etc. £1755 0 0 Dividend for year to 6th May, 1950, less Tax .... .... 80 6 8 Income Tax and Profits Tax on current Profits .... .... 4000 0 0 _________ 5835 6 8 ____________ Leaving a Balance to be carried forward of ....£28325 16 9 ____________ The retiring Directors are Mr. W. C. Gibbins, Mr. W. R. Williams and Mr. H. R. Williams, who are eligible and offer them- selves for re-election. No other nominations have been received. Under the provisions of the Companies' Act, 1948, the Auditors, Messrs. T. Theodore Rogers, Bowler & Co., will continue in office. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed until the 27th day of June, 1950. Dr. C. S. BAXTER, Chairman. ATTENDANCE OF DIRECTORS AT ORDINARY MEETINGS. (Number of Meetings 41). Dr. C. S. Baxter .... 41 Mr. N. W. Coffey ... .... 41 Mr. E. Green .... .... 41 Mr. R. E. Searle, C.C. .... 40 Mr. W. C. Gibbins .... 41 Mr. F. W. Lake .... .... 40 Major J. C. Sharp ... .... 41 Mr. H. R. Williams .... 40 Mr. W. R. Williams .... 39. In addition to above, 11 Emergency and Sub-Committee Meetings were held.