274 [Meeting held June 26, 1950, at Xchange Hotel, L'pool.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., J. C. Sharp, Major R. A. O. C., H. R. Williams, N. W. Coffey. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 30th May, 1950 were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Sale of Tickets (Season) £1848.0.0 F. A. Share Semi Final Gates £2598.9.10 A cheque was signed for:- Everton F. C. (Dividend a/c) £80. 6.8 had been Cheques were signed since last Meeting of £5378.3.0, which non left a Debit of £9322.9.1. 271 A. G. M. Resolutions These were settled upon. London Meetings Dr. Baxter & Mr. E. Green detailed what had transpired at these meetings of the F. A. & F. League. 249. J. R. Hedley Letter from F. A. re these players was read 272 & W. C. Higgins On Mr. Brittons advice it was agreed that the former be used in treating for other players. The latters' position was different & the F. A. had been approached for further guidance, as this man had broken his contract by playing in Bogota, whilst still a signed player of this Club. 109. A. E. Stevenson Letter addressed to Chairman notify- ing this player officials resignation from July 29, 1950, was read & noted. 15 C. Leyfield Noted that Mr. Britton intended to appoint this ex-player to the vacancy. 210. Mr. Britton reported that McIntosh