272 reported on the success of it, as did Mr. Britton. Hamilton Mr. W. R. Williams reported upon this player who (Bellshill) was about 5'5" & 10st. 10, a teetotaller & non-smoker. He had arranged for the Club to receive £500 for his services & had signed him on for wages of £6 Summer & £7 Winter to July 1951. Manager Mr. Britton reported on Lello's knee trouble & Burnett's cartilage accident in Sweden. The latter was to be operated upon. In addition to Hamilton, McNamara O. R. & Sutherland, an Irish Junior R. B., had signed as professionals. Players were to report for training on July 24th. Higgins had non joined the Millionaries F. C. in Bogota, Colombia & it was decided to ascertain the F. A.'s view on this. The Football League had already said nothing could be done at present, but the waller was to be discussed. Hedley was not traceable & might have the idea of a trial in his mind. He could make no statement re Buckle, other than what he had read in the Press. 238. Day (So'ton) had been seen by him, but he was unimpressed & disappointed with him. He reported on the Season's working with the 4 junior teams. E. H. Prince Decided to donate One Guinea to the Testimonial to this retired Editor. F. L. Nominations Agreed that we support Messrs Banks, Shentall & Ditchburn for the F. L. Committee. 23, Stanley Rd. Confirmation was given to the pur- New Ferry chase of this property for £1925. 241. Sth. L'pool F. C. Letter read asking our support of their application for admission to the F. L.