269 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool Monday, May 1, 1950] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors Manager & Sec'y in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of April 25th were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- J. W. Dickinson Salary £40.14.8 Theo. Kelly do £88.9.0 P. A. Y. E. a/c On above £41.13.0 E. Sagar} Benefit £506.18.6 P. A. Y. E.} £750 On above £243.1.6 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £600.0.0 T. J. Smith & Sons 10% in respect of 11, Courthey Rd. £255.0.0 Bank Balance £3369.17.7 Dr. Reports Messrs Green & Searle were agreed that in the match Irish League v F. L., Wainwright (F. L.) a Matthews (C. H.) of Irish League, had shown up well. Messrs Gibbins, Searle & Sharp reported their view of the F. A. Cup Final, in which Forbes (Arsenal) had shone. Mr. W. R. Williams, who had watched P. N. E. v Cardiff, thought Baker, (R. H.) of the latter who was 5'8" & 12st was a strong attacker good in the 1st half but fading later. He had been with the Club, 11 years, 228 Quigley (P. N. E.) had a very good game. 52 Mr. H. R. Williams reported well of Woodhead 170 242 & Froggatt (S. Wedy.) but said that Briggs (Grimsby) had been blotted out. He had heard good reports of Dixon (I. R.) of Northants, who was 5'7". Mr. Britton reported on the 1st & Reserve Team. Higgins had asked to have his contract