265 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, April 18, 1950] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors. Manager & Sec'y in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 14th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Cheque was reported from:- Blackpool F. C. Share Gate £215.1.5 Cheques were signed for:- L'pool F. C. Final Tickets £198.0.0 Lancs. C. C. C. Directors Subscriptions £28.7.0 Commissioners Inland Revenue Sch. D. £7613.2.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £600.0.0 P. A. Y. E. Month £365.4.0 Bank Balance £3155.0.10 Dr. Reports Messrs Green, Searle & H. R. Williams were generally agreed that Bauld would definitely be an acquisition. They had unofficial recommends 45 of Artken (L. H.), Brown (I. L.) in the East Fife v Aberdeen (3-1). Also of the Aberdeen goalkeeper. Mr. Britton reported on the 1st team. He was pressing on with the Swedish Tour. 4 Matches had been offered in Holland, but could not be accepted. Spadework was being done to find the possibilities of a 1951 tour of U. S. A. Haydock C & B had made a further 223 appeal & it was agreed to grant another £100. 189 D. Cameron had asked for a reduction of his Transfer Fee in the hope that he could get a Club nearer home than Sligo. Agreed that