
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, Liverpool
			Tuesday, March 21st, 1950.]

		Present:- Dr. C. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors
			Manager & Sec'y in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of 14th inst., were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Theo. Kelly		Wages & Xes.	£600.0.0
		Comms. Inland Revenue	P. A. Y. E.	£363.13.0
			Bank Balance £469.2.9 Dr.

Reports			Mr. Lake reported upon the Reserve Team.
			Mr. Britton reported upon the First Team.
			He said that Wainwright & Catterick  would
		be fit, but not Lello; Powell was recovered; Sagar
		had improved & Parker was suffering from a bad toe.
			Easthope (O. L.) who was 20, shaped
		like a possible professional.
			There was no chance of a tour in Denmark,
		this year but A. I. K. Sweden, offered free transit from
		London to Gothenburg, plus £2,600 total, for 4 games.
		This might be augmented by 1 match in Denmark, Details
		would be gone into & it was left to the Chairman,
		Manager & Sec'y to go into any further details.
			Boston Utd. had asked about a player
		manager from our staff & it was agreed that no fee be
		asked for any player he decided to let go, if they had
		given loyal service.
			Wrexham had come to terms with
		him over McIntosh for £3,750 & his accrued Share
		of Benefit, The deal fill through at the last minute.
			Sheffield Utd. had been asked £8,500
		for Powell, but had not accepted.