254 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, March 7, 1950] Present : Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors Manager & Sec'y in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 28th were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for :- C. S. Britton Salary £120.14.4 Commissioners Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E. on above £45.19.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £600.0.0 Directors Xpenses Total £137.1.5 Bank Balance £2829.16.11 Dr. 205 Lord Mayor Letter of congratulation was read from the Lord Mayor re the Derby County result. Reports Mr. Lake reported on the reserve game v P. N. E. in which they had played well, but we were disappointing. Mr. Britton explained his good reasons for the inclusion of certain older players. W. B. A. & Southampton had been represented at the match. Mr. Heron thought Wainwright would be ready in a fortnight. Lello seemed as though he would be fit in 10 days. Sagar was still feeling his sciatic pain, & Powell had a groin injury. The Cup team would be going to Buxton for all next week & return there for the last 48 hours before the Semi-Final. Mr. R. W. Prole of the L'pool Echo was pre- paring a brochure on behalf, of the players reaching the Final & it was agreed that this scheme received our support. Distribution of awards to amateur players at Bellefield, as formerly, was approved.