249 explanation of his default, which led to a satisfactory ending. 238 6th Round F. A. Cup Noted we were drawn to Derby County away on the 4th March. Prices of seats were 7/6; 5/- & 4/6 with reserved paddock 2/6d. Allocation of a reasonable number was made to each Director & Player & agreed that Shareholders applying on or before Monday, Feby. 20th, be allowed one ticket. Full consideration was given to the calls from Members & the General Public, in reaching this decision. Directors away To Charlton:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, W. R. Williams, Williams H. R., R. E. Searle, Gibbins & Sharp. {Mr. Hunter} To Derby:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Searle, Lake, Sharp & H. R. Williams. Panto Day Decided to donate Two Guineas to the Students "Cash for the Kids" effort. Transfer of Shares Shares Nod. 813-815 from Dr. I. D. Robinson, Admix H. S. Jones to herself absolutely, were approved, & transferred accordingly. Mr. Norman Banks Letters were read from Bolton Wands., Blackburn Rovers & Mr. Banks & it was agreed to give him the fullest support in his candidature for the vacancy on the F. L. Management Committees created by the death of Mr. George Rutherford. Next Meeting Tuesday, Feb'y, 21st at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.