MEETING OF SUB-COMMITTEE. Thursday, February 16, 1950. Present :- Messrs W. R. Williams (Chair), E. Green, F. W. Lake and Secretary. PROGRAMME ACCOUNT. Agreed that it be recommended that a sum of £3,000 now standing to our credit in this Bank a/c be tarnsferred to the General Account of the Company. ELECTRIC REPAIRS. Chairman reported the dilapidation which had accrued in the North End particularly of the Goodison Rd wiring, after 40 years. Agreed that Messrs Hugh Roberts be asked to submit a survey report, and it was noted that any repairs would have to be carried out in the close season. D. ROSE. Noted that this employee had now joined the forces and there was a vacancy on the ground staff. Left to the Chairman to make some enquiries as to a suitable lad to have the position. H. M. S. TRUCULENT. Letter of appeal read from the "Medway Towns' Mayors'8 re a Disaster Fund, which they were floating. Decided that nothing should be done meantime, but that the general attitude of other Football League Clubs, be ascertained. Cecil S. Baxter