247 Glover (Stockport) had a weakness in the air & was not dominating against Moore, but was young & worth a gamble. Cocker was useful to Stockport, but not up to 1st League standard. Charles (C. H.) Leeds Utd. was most outstanding of the young players in the game & was between 12 & 13 st. He & Mr. W. R. Williams reported the result of the Sub Committees study of a site for the proposed Medical Room & it was agreed that Directors visiting Charlton, pay a visit to West Ham Utd. if possible, to see their lay-out. Agreed that L. C. F. A. Youth v Eire Youth be slaged at Goodison on a suitable Monday before the end of the season. {156} He reported Hedley's failure to attend Conference, & steps he proposed to take if necessary to deal with player. {243} Scotland v England Letter read from F. A. explaining the reason for the allocation of so many tickets to Agencies. F. A. Amateur Cup Agreed to offer our ground for one of Semi Finals these on March 18th 1950. F. L. Conference Decided that Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green & of Clubs R. E. Searle represent the Club on March 27th. C. S. B. F. L. Inter League Following expressed intention to be at Matches matches v Eire Feby. 15th at Wolverhampton & Scottish League, Mch. 22nd at Middlesbrough:- Messrs Green, Searle, H. R. Williams & Britton. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- Shares Nod. 1269-1271 from A. M. A. Robinson to Thos. Muir Next Meeting Tuesday or Wedy., Feby. 14 or 15th according to result of Tottenham Cup-Tie. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.