
			Dr. Baxter reported that he had no further
		News re Done.
			Mr. Searle reported that he liked Done
		Williams (C. F.) of L'pool Res, who had had
		enquiries from Spurs, Bolton & Hull.

Cup Draw &		Secy. reported the draw v Tottenham
Replay		at Goodison on Feby. 11th & if a replay, this would
		be on Monday Feby. 13th. Tickets for seats at home
		to be 10/- & 5/- & the paddock 3/-, with ground
		admission 1/6.

Director to Chesterfield Mr. H. R. Williams.

Xmas Cards		Decided to issue some this year, to
		other Clubs, as done by other Clubs to us.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, Feb. 7th at 4 pm.

				Confirmed as correct.

				Cecil S. Baxter