243 Humphreys, should be fit this week. Foreign Tour Secy. detailed the latest position created by currency difficulties. F. L. Meetings Messrs Dr. Baxter, Green, Searle & H. R. Williams expressed their intention to attend the London Meetings on March 27th & June 3rd. Mr. Lake to attend on June 3rd only. Scotland v England Secy. to write to the F. A. expressing the Boards perturbation upon the large allocation of Hampden tickets to the Railways v Travel Agencies. Director to Blackburn If possible:- Mr. Lake. Next Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 31st 1950 at 4 p.m. If there was to be a replay, with West Ham Utd., The meeting to be Thursday, Feby. 2nd. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter. Chairman.