242 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1950] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair): all other Directors; Manager & Secretary. Minutes of Meeting of 17th inst. were read & confirmed. Cheques were signed for:- West Ham Utd. F. C. Tickets £127.10.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £600.0.0 Bank Balance £6528.0.9 Dr. Reports Mr. H. R. Williams gave good reports of Brice (C. H.) Reading & Cheadle (C. H.) Port Vale. The former was classy & the latter, younger & more rugged. He gave an excellent report of McBride 206 (G) of Reading & said that he liked Allen (O. R.) Port Vale. Messrs Gibbins, W. R. Williams & Searle reported upon the reserve team & agreed that Paxton (R. B.) Wolves was very good. Mr. Britton reported on the 1st team. He stated that Sir John Parkinson had advised that Dugdale should not play. 241 Hold was 30. Chelmsford would accept £1,000 & Notts County £1,750. He had offered the latter £1,000. The player would need a house. 240 Barber (Macclesfield) had a playing history with Sheffield Utd., Stockport, M/c City & Scarborough & was 24. Hickson was getting good reports. 213 Briggs (Grimsby) was not so good as Catterick, being a poor header. Catterick, Burnett, McIntosh &