240 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Jany. 17, 1950] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); all other Directors; Manager & Secretary. Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 10th were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Queens Park Rangers Share Gate £679.12.6 Gate v Portsmouth Gross £3881.2.6 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £309.2.6 Football League 4% £136.16.11 Portsmouth F.C. Share Gate £502.6.3 L'pool City Police Services £62.9.0 Postmaster General Franking Postage £50.0.0 G. E. Saunders {(£750)} Benefit less Tax £504.9.0 P. A. Y. E. a/c Tax on above £245.11.0 Commissioners Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E £368.17.0 Bank Balance £5794.0.9 Dr. Reports Messrs Green & Lake reported their views of the reserve team. Mr. H. R. Williams gave a very poor report of Hayward (C. H.) of Port Vale. He was 216 impressed by Barber (C. F) of Macclesfield, who had stamina, allied to speed & head work, altho' thin. Mr. Britton reported that he had arranged for a private trial for this player. Manager's Mr. Britton reported upon the 1st team. Report Dugdale had an appointment for the 20th inst. with Sir John Parkinson. Moore (E) had been married yesterday. Hickson, who was now demobilised,