239 Managers Report Mr. Britton reported upon the 1st team. Hickson (C. F.) was now demobbed. Lindley was now fit, Wainwright had a cold, Humpherys was in light training, & Buckle expected to be fit. Bristol City were interested in the future of Powell. They would make an offer later. No further offer had been made for Juliussen. The team having felt lethargic at Q. C. R., were not in favour of Special Training for the West Ham Cup-tie. Buchanan (Bangor) was a doubtful character. No enquires had been received for T. G. Jones 236 Directors to Bury Mr. E. Green or H. R. Williams. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- share 726 to 728 from W. R. Williams to W. D Birch 232 F. A. Cup 4th Rnd. In the event of a draw, agreed that tickets be issued at 10/- & 5/- for reserved seats. Next Meeting Tuesday, Jany 17, 1950, at 4 pm. Confirmation as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman