
		good & he could not condemn him, as the match was a travesty

Manager's Report	Mr. Britton reported upon the 1st team.
			He stated that Jones was unfit &
		that Saunders was doubtful.
			The Board gave their favour to
		the transfer of T. G. Jones under good terms.
			Humphreys would be fit in a week.
			Special Training would be done
		at Brighton.

Directors Away		Huddersfield:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs
	233	Green, Williams W. R., Searle, & Sharp.
			Sheffield :- Mr. H. R. Williams
			Brighton :- Messrs Green & H. R. Williams
			Q. P. R.:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Gibbins,
		Searle, Sharp, H. R. Williams & Coffey.
			Hampden (International) :- Messrs Green,
		Gibbins, Searle, Lake & H. R. Williams.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, January 10, 1950 in
		the event of a conclusive result in the
		Cup- tie on the 7th Jany.

						Confirmed as correct
						Cecil S. Baxter