
		C. H. was two-footed & strong but a poor header
			McGuigan O. R. had played well.

Bainbridge (T. R.)	Major Sharp gave this player an
229		excellent report. Mr. Britton stated that he was
		26 & a good type. Bury F. C. had a 25%
		interest in his future movements financially.

Manager's Report	Mr. Britton reported the unfitness of
148		Sagar, Lindley & Humphreys.
			Dugdale's letter was read, thanking
		all for their treatment of him. It was agreed
		that he attend a Harley St. cardiologist to
		obtain further opinion.
			He recommended a few day's
		special training away from home in view
		of the Cup-Tie.

Directors to		Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green,
Fulham 226	Searle, Sharp & H. R. Williams.

New Brighton F. C.	Circular letter re this Club's
		ex-player Corbett was read & noted.

Xtraordinary		Messrs Bowler & Bryson attended
General Meeting	in their official capacities.
244			Proxies Landed in to the
		Company to called 1031 with another
		eleven which could not be accepted.

Next Meeting		Thursday, Dec. 29th 1949, at 4 pm.

							Confirmed as Correct.
							Cecil S. Baxter