230 application only. The goal stand seats to be 3/6 d, for cash at the turnstiles. Director to Blackpool. Mr. H. R. Williams. Next Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 21, at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. Cecil S. Baxter Chairman. [Emergency Meeting held at Goodison Park, Friday, Decr. 16, 1949.] All Directors present, with Manager & Secy. Players Mr. Searle detailed the knowledge he had re a possible transfer of a player to us, & the Chairman was deputed to act upon the vilas of the Board, in the endeavour to secure Done of Liverpool, if it was possible. 229 The efforts made to secure Quigley & other players were detailed by Mr. Britton, who mentioned otherwise; - Hold, Ashman (Norwich), Keble, C. F., Colchester & Wilshaw & Hancocks (Wolves). Messrs Green, Searle & Britton gave poor reports of Phillips (C. F.) of Crewe, and 226 thought that Parker (R. B.) of the same team, a slim player, - with no conditions to judge him upon - was no improvement upon our present staff. G. Dugdale It was noted with regret that this 62 player was unlikely to play again in serious football. His contract would expire on