228 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Monday, December 12, 1949.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter & all other Directors, Manager & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 16th inst.; were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts was reported:- Gate v Sunderland £2451.17.6 Cheques were signed for:- Football League 4% £ 85. 0.0 Customs & Excise Ent. Tax £191.17.1 Sunderland F. C. Share Gate £323.18.5 L'pool City Police Services £ 46. 4.0 Bank Balance £7174.14.8 Dr. Report of Sub- Mr. W. R. Williams detailed the Committee recommendations of the Sub-Committee from 210 their Meeting of the 9th inst., details attached,- & upon his proposition, these were accepted. Mr. Green's Report Mr. Green reported his views upon the Reserve team at Leeds. Manager's Mr. Britton reported upon the 1st Report team. Nothing could have been done better to provide Quigley with his working desires. 226 Wolves, C. N. E., Portsmouth & Cardiff were prepared to pay £26,000. The Chairman & Mr. Green reported their interview, & expressed their thanks to a Shareholder who had done all that was possible. The player was 28. 5'8½" &