217 report of this O. R. Managers Report Mr. Britton reported that Fielding was not yet fit, but that Catterick was reporting for training & H. E. Cooke was much better. 214. Possibilities of obtaining Hold of Chelms- ford, had been explored & were being pursued. 216 His information of Fenton was not favourable. At the moment, he was injured & the Club would want £10,000. 215. Directors Away To West Bromwich:- Messrs Gibbins & Coffey. To Chelsea & Army:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green & Sharp, Mr. Searle & Coffey to Chelsea only. 31. Transfer of Following was approved:- Shares Shares 1370 & 2200 from Administratrix of D. B. Redford to Xors. Thos. Percy, & then on to John Lloyd Williams. Next Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 15th 1949, at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.