216 [Meeting held Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1949, at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors., Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 1st, were read & confirmed. Mr. Bert Sharp Chairman made reference to the death of this past player of ours, & Major Jack Sharp said that he would pass the Boards mutual expressions of sympathy, to the relatives. Finance Cheques were signed for:- C. S. Britton Salary £120.14.4 G. Jackson {(£600)} Bal. Accrued Share Benefit £363.19.0 P. A. Y. E. a/c on above £282. 0.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xcs. £600. 0.0 Bank Balance £697.5.8 Dr. 213. Fenton & Mr. Green reported Fenton of Charlton did Onslow not play & that Onslow, C. F., of Swindon was a lightweight, young & inexperienced & had a long way to go before being worth consideration. 214. Barber (M'field) Mr. Gibbins was greatly impressed by this C. F. & Mr. Britton reported that he was endeavouring to arrange for a private trial. Forbes (Wolves) Mr. W. R. Williams reported that this I. F. who was at least 5'9" & 26, was the Scottish type who was so useful, that he might do us good. Mr. Britton reported that he was negotiating with Fielding as a possible lever in a deal. Bainbridge & Others Major Sharp gave good reports of Bainbridge (I. F.) Tranmere Rovers, Bellas (C. H.) & Street (I. F.) of Southport. S. Thomas (Fulham) Mr. H. R. Williams gave a very poor