215 the physical condition of Sagar & Fielding. Agreed that application be made to pay G. E. Saunders, a benefit of £750. ? 213 Irish players Mr. Searle did not C. S. B. recommended Daly (C. H.) Shamrock Rovers & but did C. S. B. Fearon (L. B.) of Dundalk. Electrical Work Estimates were read from Hugh Roberts of £235 & John Hunter & Co., £225.7.6. Decided to accept the former. (Work in respect of Bullens Rd. Stand) 202 Bellefield Lease The terms of this extended lease as provided by Mr. J. C. Bryson were approved. 213 Directors Away To Glasgow:- Scotland v Wales, Nov. 9th:- Messrs Green & H. R. Williams. To West Bromwich:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Searle, Sharp, H. R. Williams & Coffey. Next Meeting Tuesday, Novr. 8, 1949, at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.