213 211. & tired as the game went on, Steven (O. L.) was just useful. 208. Hagen (Sheffield Utd.) was very good at I. L. Dailey (Shamrock) Messrs Searle & H. R. Williams agreed & Murphy (Transport) these halves had played well. Mr. H. R. Williams This director reported well of Grant Report & Wilkins of Southampton F. C. Managers Report Mr. Britton reported that Grimsby 146. would not part with Briggs. He liked Brown of East Fife & 208. Woodburn who was classy. Also Fenton of Charlton. Plymouth A. had offered £12,000 158. for Humphreys best decided that we do not part 106. with him or T. G. Jones at present. Hedley, Fielding, Catterick & Greenhalgh were improving. 212. Directors Away To Sheffield:- Mr. H. R. Williams. To Manchester, England v Wales, Novr. 16th:- All except Dr. Baxter. To Tottenham, England v Italy, Nov. 30th:- Messrs E. Green & H. R. Williams. T. G. Jones Chairman read a letter received from this player. Next Meeting Tuesday, November 1st at 4 p. m. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman