211 Depledge (I. L.) & Steven (O. L.) Lee (Leicester) (208) Mr. H. R. Williams stated that this C. F. was very good in the air but he preferred Briggs of Grimsby if it became a question of big money talk. (208) Revie had done no good for the 20 minutes whilst he was fit. Managers Report Mr. Britton reported that Middlesbrough had enquired re McIntosh. L'pool Schools wished to play v Preston or Lancaster on November 5th., at Goodison. This was agreed upon. Catterick & McIntosh were injured but would be fit for Saturday. Mr. W. C. Cuff (200) Letter read from Executors informing us that our offer of Mr. Cuff's Portrait in Oils had been accepted by the Management of the Football League for use in their Board Room at Preston. Directors Away To Birmingham:- Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Sharp, Williams & Coffey. Possibly Mr. Searle. To Sheffield v Glasgow:- Mr. H. R. Williams. Directors Xpenses Mr. H. R. Williams mentioned these & it was re-affirmed that chargeable journeys were those made by authority of the Board, or the Manager. Next Meeting Tuesday, October 25, 1949 Confirmed as correct. Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.