
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Monday, October 17, 1949.]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors,
				Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of 11th inst., & of Sub-
		Committee Meeting of 13th inst., were read &

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Arsenal F. C.		Share Gate	£516.0.10
		Gate v Charlton		  Gross		£2948.9.6
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	  Tax		£237.15.3
		Football League		   4%		£102.12.8
		Bolton Wanderers F. C.	Share Gate	£376.18.9
		L'pool City Police	 Services	£ 57.14.0
			Bank Balance £155.10.6 Dr.

Report of Sub-Committee	This was presented by Mr. W. R. Williams
	202	& upon his proposal, duly seconded, was adopted. (Copy attached.)

McGrory (Swansea)	Mr. Green considered that while a
		good footballer, this I. F. was not forceful
Dare (Brentford) enough, & that Dare while playing for an hour
		at O. R. & ½ hour at C. F., did nothing of note
		for Brentford.

Glover (Stockport)	(208) Mr. W. R. Williams stated that this C. H.
		had had a bad day against Parker, Accrington.
		He did not wash him out of consideration

Woodgate (W. H. U.)	(208) Mr. Lake reported this O. R. to be 30; 5'8 ½",
		& nearly 12 stone. He had strength & was an
		improvement on anyone that we had.
			Bradfrod Park Avenue players who
		impressed him were Curry (R. B.); Depledge,