
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, October 11, 1949.]

		Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter & all other Directors,
			       Manager & Secy. in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of 4th inst., were read
		& confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for :-
		T. Carcey re J. O'Neill		Xcs. 		£ 5. 0.0
		M. Douglas re     do		Xcs.		£ 5. 0.0
		Theo. Kelly		      Wages & Xcs.	£600.0.0
		Commissioners Inland Revenue   P. A. Y. E.	£502.16.8
			Bank Balance £1877.7.0 Cr.

Cook (Mansfield)	Mr. W. R. Williams thought this O. R. was not
		advanced enough, but should be borne in mind. He was
		taller & faster than Allen of Port Vale & had played
		at I. R. in the 2nd half. Probably 10½ st. & possibly 23.
			(203) Glover Stockport County (C. H.) was 6'
		& 11½ st. He liked this player, if he was cheap. Aged
		24, he was useful & fast & should be watched again.
			Mr. Britton reported that this player was
		held in esteem by the Stockport manager & was
		Wilmot's deputy.

Reports			These were given by Directors present
		at 1st & 2nd team matches.

Manager's Report	Mr. Britton reported favourably upon
		the condition of Hedley; Fielding & Dugdale.
			(207) Duckhouse was useful & strong on
		the field, but otherwise might not be suitable.
			He was making enquiries about
		(170)		 	   (198)
		Lee, Leicester (C. F.); Hagan, Sheffield Utd. (I. F.);
		Woodgate, West Ham Utd. (O. R.) & Fenton, Charlton
		Athletic (I. F.).