207 Gavin was 5'11"; young & very good. Smith (Raith Rovers) Messrs Lake & Coffey described this O. R. as poor. {do} On the other hand they thought McNaughton L. B. McNaughton (East Fife) of East Fife, was very good. Managers Report. Mr. Britton reported that Brown I. L. East Fife 204 was strong & had good control, whilst overdoing things. Fleming was a very hard player & a good shot, but did not help in defensive work. Mr. Scott Symon had told him that the Club were not prepared to part with these players. In view of T. G. Jones reports, it was his intention to obtain a C. H. He was granted the necessary powers to secure Duckhouse if he 206 thought he would suit the purpose. He reported upon the condition of Lewis, Hedley & Greenhalgh. Wrexham had enquired re Catterick. Agreed that if possible we play at Netherfield towards end of Season, for Benefit of Westmoreland County F. A. with Blackburn Rovers as opponents. He Recommended that Wales be allowed Jones T. G. or Powell, but not both. Directors to Wrexham Messrs Gibbins, Lake & H. R. Williams. do. Arsenal Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Gibbins, Searle, Sharp & H. R. Williams. K. F. Busby Noted that this employee had been demob- 0 ilised. Left to Sub-Committee to settle his wages. Catering Agreed that Mr. Geo. E. Moore be granted a 104 trial period at Bellefield for simple catering, from a mobile van. L'pool Personal Service This appeal was left to Sub-Commee. to decide. Secy. Next Meeting Tuesday, October 11, at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.