
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1949]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair.) & all other Directors,
			   Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of meeting of Sept 20th, were read &

Finance			Receipt reported of:-
		Gate England v Eire (F. A. of Ireland.)			£9451.9.0
			Cheques were signed for :-
		Customs & Excise	  		Tax		£1147.7.4
		Football Association			Nett		£7259.5.8
		L'pool City Police		      Services		£66.14.0
		Rhosneigr F. C.			     re Jones T. S.	£10.0.0
		J. McIlhatton	   (Gross) (Accrued Share of Benefit.)	£284.15.4
		Theo Kelly				Salary.		£88.9.0
		W. Dickinson				  do		£40.8.8
		P. A. Y. E. a/c				On above	£207.3.8
		Theo Kelly				Wages & Xes.	£500.0.0
			Bank Balance £4079.14.8 Cr.

Brown (E. Fife)		Mr. E. Green gave a very good report of this I. L.
	0	who was big & young. He also liked Smith,
		O. R. of Raith Rovers.

Emery (Lincoln)	Mr. Gibbins liked this dominating C. H.
	   0	who was 5' 11” & about 11st. He would be about 26.
			Docherty, O. L. about same age, had
		also impressed him.

Allchurch (Wellington T.) Mr. W. R. Williams did not recommend
	  170	this I. L.

Day (Southampton)	Mr. F. W. Lake gave a very good report
	0	of this O. R. He thought he was a first rate
		player on this showing.

Managers Report		Mr. Brillon reported upon the condition