20 He thought that a present donation of £10 to the Rhosneigr Club was sufficient for 0 the use of Jones (T. S.) services at face value, with a promise of more if he made good. Cunningham, Mr. E. Green reported how much he (Nth Shields) liked this 21 year old L. H. playing on his 3rd 0 game. Other Clubs appeared to be interested & he had impressed our interest, but since had heard of his transfer to Blackburn Rovers for £1,500. Ingham (Gateshead) Mr. W. R. Williams did not fancy this 132 O. R. who was 21-25. On the other hand, he thought Kearns (F. B.) to be very good. 0 He liked McCulloch (R. H.); Kenney (R. B.), 0 0 & Glover (C. H.) of Stockport & thought the last named should be seen again. Allen (P. V.) Mr. W. C. Gibbins reported that he liked 190 this two–footed O. R. who was 21 & a good shot. Lord Mayor Invitation read, for afternoon reception 0 to Liverpool F. C. & ourselves & agreed that we support October 6th as date with no adamancy. F. A. Luncheon Following agreed to attend at the Adelphi on 21st inst. :- Dr. Baxter, Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, R. E. Searle, Mayor J. C. Sharp, H. R. Williams, C. S. Britton & Secy. Directors to Aston Dr. Baxter, Mayor Sharp, Messrs H. R. Villa Williams & N. W. Coffey. Next Meeting Tuesday, Sept 27th at 4 pm. At Xchange Hotel. Confirmed as Correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman