
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel,
			Liverpool, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1949]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair.) & all other Directors,
			Manager & Secy. in attendance.

			Minutes of meeting of 13th inst., were read
		& confirmed.

			Receipts were reported from :-
		Portsmouth F. C.		Share Gate	£364.15.0
		M/c City F. C.			    do		£266.6.4
		Gate v Wolves					£4564.14.9
		Sale International Tkts.			£860.0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Xcise	  		   Tax		£359.18.10
		Football League			   1%		£161.16.8
		Wolverhampton Wanderers F. C.	Share Gate	£601.2.0
		L'pool City Police		Service		£69.7.0
			Bank Balance £5695.3.4 Cr. (£1360 Tkts.)

Sub Committee's		This was presented & adopted.
Report 193	(Copy attached.)

Manager's Report	Mr. Britton reported :-
		Fielding now O. K.
		Greenhalgh doing very well.
		Regan (O. L.) of Xeter City had had good reports, but
		he did not thank he would be much use. Whilst a
		good shot, at the price of £10,000, he was
		not worth following further.
		Revie. of Leicester City he had seen again. He did
		not thank him the type required. The Club did
		not require cash but were interested in a new
		R. H. N. R. B. (Mr. Green & Mr. Lake supported report of player's ability)
			Likelihood of team changes v Aston Villa
		were mentioned.