ALLOCATION OF PRACTICE MATCH RECEIPTS. £. s.d. Lancashire F.A. Benevolent Fun 100-0-0 Liverpool County F.A. Benevolent Fund 100-0-0 St. John Ambulance Brigade 100-0-0 R. N. Lifeboat Institution 100-0-0 Liverpool & District Police Orphanage 50-0-0 Merseyside Fund for the blind 50-0-0 Limbless Ex-Servicemens' Association 25-0-0 Home for Incurables 25-0-0 Liverpool Deaf & Dumb Institute 25-0-0 St. Edward's Orphanage 22-4-7 Coal Trade Benevolent Association 20-0-0 Y. M. C. A. 20-0-0 League of Welldoers 20-0-0 Liverpool Referees' Benevolent Fund 20-0-0 F. L. Secretaries' & Managers' Assn. Ben. Fund 20-0-0 Maghull Home for Epileptics 20-0-0 Liverpool Queen Victoria Dist. Nursing Assn. 20-0-0 ---------- £737-4-7 ----------