
Davies (Chester)	Mr. W. R. Williams reported that this O. R. was
	170	speedy, courageous, & a good average player, probably better
		than we have. Young, 5'7½" & well built.

Scott (Forest)		Mr. H. R. Williams did not fancy this O. R. who
	190	was over 30. He much preferred the Brighton & Hove Reed
		who was 22, 5'7", & a very good player.		     0

Manager's Report	Mr. Britton reported that his big desire
		was to improve upon our wingers after the match at
			He proposed to re-sign Burnett in view
		of the accident to Sagar, but would assure that the
		former was prepared to behave in the manner required.
		The Board agreed with this idea entirely.
			Millon who had given satisfaction,
		needed experience as did O'Neill who was only
		17. Sagar should be fit in 10 days according
		to Mr. McMurray.
			Greenhalgh had a cracked fibula.
			Hedley was slowly recovering.
			Pinchbeck had been transferred to B & H
		Albion for £2,000 - £500 down & the balance before

Next Meeting		Monday, August 29, at 4 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct

					Cecil S. Baxter