193 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday, August 23, 1949] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); Messrs W. C. Gibbins; W. R. Williams; R. E. Searle, C. C.; J. C. Sharp, H. R. Williams & N. W. Coffey. Messrs Green & Lake on Club business. Manager & Sec'y in attendance. Minutes Minutes of Meeting of 16th inst., & of Sub Commee. of 18th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Xcise Tax Season Tkts. £855.8.4 Theo. Kelly Wages £350.0.0 C. Linchan re Donovan £ 20.0.0 Bank Balance £5,158.13.0 Dr. Sub Committee's This as submitted by Mr. W. R. Williams Report 188 was adopted. (Copy attached.) His suggestions re allocation of practice match receipts were approved. He pointed out that the payments to Messrs Tyson's on A. Leitch's certificates included:- £1800 for a 3rd of the work done on Bullens Rd. Stand to June 15, 1949 on a tender of nearly £7,000 for the complete job. (Less 10% detention money.) £1600 made up of roof repairs on Bullens Rd.; Gwladys St.; & Goodison Rd. Stands:- £950 Roof Glazing &c. Gwladys St. & Bullens Rd.:- £350. do do Goodison Rd. :- £500 (all these less 10% Detention money.) All these latter were under War Damage Claim. Todd (Doncaster) Mr. Gibbins reported this player to be about (C. F.) 190 26 to 28 of good build, but slow. He wished that he should be seen again.