McCormick. This player had signed for
Coleraine F.C. with the proviso re sub-
sequent possibility to us of receiving £2,500
if he were re-transferred.
Lewis. Returned & would be fit in a few weeks.
Hedley. Would start full training next week.
Mr. Jennings (Bristol) Now employed as a scout
0 at £1 per week plus expenses.
Eight trials had been held when 170
players had been seen. Evening training had
produced an average attendance of 45 with a
maximum of 58. The coaching had proved
to be of good standard.
Bellefield Agreed that £1400 should be paid
188 for installation of new baths as soon as
Mr. W. R. Williams reported that we
were likely to get an extension of lease
for a further 21 years & that Messrs H. H. &
J. Robinson would communicate further re
this lease.
Directors Away Middlesbrough Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Williams,
179 Searle & Coffey.
Newcastle (Res.) Messrs Green & Lake.
do (1st) Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Williams
& Lake.
Next Meeting Tuesday, August 23rd at 4 p.m.
Confirmed as correct.
Cecil S. Baxter