
		was interested in the player on a loaning basis.
		Outsides Right. Corr had proved good in trials
			Spuckler, Middlesbro, 32 years old; Allan,
		Port Vale; Shaw, Rotherham; Todd, Doncaster;
				183	      183
		& Scott, Notts Forest; but Clubs were not prepared to part
			0						C.S.B.

London Meetings		Mr. E. Green reported upon the
	101	A. G. M of the F.A. & the meeting of the
		proposed Directors Association. Regarding the
		latter, while no harm could be done, in
		his opinion, he could not see if it was
		practicable. A Sub-Commee. had been formed,
		from whom we would have a report.

Transfer of Shares	Following were approved:-
		Shares Nod. 683 & 2199 from A. Antrobus to F. Antrobus
		 do	   1237-1239 from Xors. S. E. Fowler to B. A. Fowler.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, August 16, 1949.

					Confirmed as correct.
					Cecil S. Baxter