186 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday, June 28, 1949] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp, Major R. A. O. C., H. R. Williams & N. W. Coffey Manager & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of meeting of 23rd inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Everton F. C. Dividend a/c £80.6.8 Theo Kelly Salary £88.8.0 J. W. Dickinson do £37.4.4 Everton F. C. Income Tax a/c P.A.Y.E £41.1.0 Theo Kelly Wages & Xes. £300.0.0 Bank Balance £3023.12.0 Cr. Chairman Dr. C. S. Baxter was re-elected as 104 Chairman, & expressed his thanks for this extended honour. Sub-Commee. Messrs W. R. Williams, E. Green, R. E. Searle, 172 & F. W. Lake were returned in bloc to carry out the work of the Finance & General Purposes Committee. Quorum As before, this was fixed at the 104 minimum of four Directors, to constitute a Board Meeting. Manager's Report Mr. C. S. Britton reported that there was no possibility at the moment of the transfer of Todd. His ideas of the Staff he wanted were:- H. E. Cooke, Trainer. A. E. Stevenson, 2nd Team (in charge.)