
			Liverpool Ramblers F.C. had asked for the
		usual facilities for training.
			The idea of baths at Bellefield was
		mentioned. Mr. W. R. Williams & Mr. Britton were
		empowered to explore the position.

Watchman		Agreed that a man be appointed
		at £3 per week whilst the Bullens Rd. Stand
		was being re-backed.

St. Edwards		Agreed that in line with Liverpool
Band		F.C. we grant £25 to assist the Fund
		for Replacement of Instruments, due to loss by fire.

Transfer of Shares	Following was approved:-
		Share No. 2308 from Xors. W. J. Jones to J. H. Hinton.

Next Meeting		June 23rd at 4:30 p.m., L'pool
		Exchange Hotel.
						Confirmed as correct
						Cecil S. Baxter